AZ Holistic Anxiety Treatment offers premiere outpatient psychiatry and personalized treatment plans that incorporate mind, body, and spirit. ​
I help busy professionals, college students, and stay at home mothers decrease anxiety, renew energy, and discover focused attention, through the use of gentle medications, evidence-based psychotherapy, lab based supplement plans, and personality driven lifestyle habits.
My subspecialty is Reproductive Psychiatry. I help women and couples struggling with pregnancy and postpartum preparation, infertility, and perinatal loss through supportive therapy, education, and pregnancy and breastfeeding friendly medications.
Client Outcome Examples
Autonomic Nervous System Regulation
Body and Brain Calm, Peace, & Pleasure
Focus & Attention Renewal
Work, Home, &
Hobby Productivity
Relationship Fun,
Security, & Love
Thought & Behavior Synergy
Core Values Manifested as Daily Habits
My Philosophy
At AZ Holistic Anxiety Treatment, I believe that mental wellness is not the absence of pain but the presence of meaning and function. Chronic emotional suffering and unhelpful daily habits can be transformed into life purpose, joy, and success. I work with each of my clients individually
to embrace their innate wisdom and
select their healing path.